For the first time in over a year I have my hair pulled back in a ponytail. I'm still a little shocked just looking at myself in the mirror. The infamous ponytail used to be my staple style when I was relaxed, but I am hating it right now :(
I feel like it makes my head look long and alien-like...LOL..then I forgot my earrings at home this morning, so I feel like a little boy. This will take some getting used to, but I do plan to try this again.
I simply co-washed and pushed my hair back under the shower stream while rinsing, then slicked a nice amount of EcoStyler gel across the front and sides. Secured with an ouchless band, and tied the edges under a silk scarf until I got to work.
The results are can really see the color. Oh, did I forget to tell you guys that I colored my hair?? bad!! More on that later!!