Lately, I have been parting my hair down the middle in efforts to see if my hair will "hang down" if you know what I'm saying. Long ago I came to terms with the fact that there doesn't seem to be much of anything that I can do with my hair that can compete with these ridiculously tight curls. Parting it differently gives me a new look without too much effort.
The sad part about parts...is well...I hate parts! LOL! Not that I hate ALL parts, just parts, that look like parts. Now that I'm thinking about it, I don't know if I even like the word "parts" but I digress...
So I typically make a "Kinda Sorta Not Really Part" when I am setting my hair. I do this by parting with my fingers or using a comb to make a deep zig-zag part that will pretty much cover itself once the hair is dry.
Even though my hair is getting longer, it doesn't hang down and likes to stand straight up in the top. I am trying to train it to fall to either side and it's working some. The key is to know how far back to part or you will end up with pancake hair (ie. all the volume on the sides and flat on the top).
To get this look I co-washed, rubbed some Giovanni back through,"parted" and pulled it back into a loose pony. The pony stretches the curls in the front by morning, so I just release and fluff. Gel and bobby pins along the hairline help it to fall/stay in place.