Just a heads up that the Miss Jessie's annual December Buy One Get One Free (BOGO) sale has started and is going on from now until the end of December. By now I am sure you all know that their products are a bit on the pricey side so it's a great time to try them out. TDavis and I plan to go together on our order to save even more. With the BOGO offer, we can both get one of each item for 50% off the regular price... $60 is a lot to pay for a tub of Buttercreame (I don't care how big it is...it's just not worth *that* much $$$)
Even though I have heard mixed reviews on the line, I would like to try out the Buttercream and the Rapid Recovery conditioner as recommended by one of you ladies. The Buttercream is heavier than their Curly Pudding (type 3 ladies love that stuff) and I need a product to help with elongation. A stylist contacted me about being a hair model for her Miss Jessies photo shoot, and I am hoping that she calls me back soon for the shoot...maybe I can try before I buy?? Fingers crossed on that one..
The videos below are the one's found on You Tube of the Miss Jessies tutorials. Each models styles her own hair in the videos. If you haven't seen them before, they are awesome! Anyone struggling with learning to twist their own hair should take a peek...they break the process right on down.
Shingling Demo:
Twist Out Demo:
Finger Styling Demo:
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