Friday, January 15, 2010

20 "B.C."

This is a picture of me in Kindergarten, with pressed natural hair. I went to a predominantly white elementary school and I can remember looking at all of other girls with long, flowing, straight hair. I had a friend named Kathleen who had the longest jet-black hair and she used to love my short plaits. Nothing could make me understand why she thought my hair was so unique or why she would want to play in my hair. I wondered why my hair didn't feel as silky and why it didn't grow as fast. It just didn't seem fair that I would be cursed with "nappy hair."

So I guess that was the start of my discontent with natural hair... that was 20 years before my Big Chop ("B.C.")

I must admit..I loved this particular style you see in the photo when I was a little girl... It would last me all week if I tied it down under a scarf at night. I guess this was my grandma's version of "protective styling" ....LOL!!

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