I took a mini-hiatus from blogging after my one year Nappy-versary...things really got hectic with work and life at home, so I appreciate your understanding and patience as I get this thing back on track.
Just to quickly update you on what's going on with my hair and new products I've tried, I'm going to list them out:
MY HAIR: My hair returned to its natural state after my press out with no qualms. I was a bit terrified that it would be a frizzy mess from heat damage, but Blade did his thang! As soon as the water hit it, the curls popped right back. I can tell a difference since my trim; hair hair doesn't feel as heavy and detangling is a lot easier. I'm realizing that I have a problem with Fairy Knots at the ends of my strands.
If you've never heard of a Fairy Knot, it is a knot on a single strand of hair, and is usually problematic for those naturals who wear wash-n-go's quite often. The strand literally curls around itself and the only way to get rid of the knot is to cut it out :( So for that reason, I am going to make the time to try a lot of different styling options that will last at least 3-4 days. Any suggestions,ladies??? I need some motivation!
Aussie "Sydney Smooth" Conditioner: On a scale of 1-10 I would give it a 5. It's nothing like Aussie Moist...when I leave it in overnight, my hair feels a bit like straw in the morning. It is great for a quick co-wash and I like that it is not all white and clumpy if I leave a little bit in. Would I buy it again?? Sure, if it's on sale!!
V05 "Moisture Milkshakes" Conditioner: I have only used this as a co-wash once, so I need to give it another go to really tell if I like it. My initial reaction is that it is a little too thin, and doesn't have enough slip for type 4 hair, but we shall see...
EcoStyler "Krystal" Clear Gel: I am usually not a fan of gels, but Tdavis recommended that I try EcoStyler and I must say that it is quite nice. I splurged and got the biggest tub for only $3.99 at the local BSS. The first style that I tried was a classic puff. I usually have the hardest time getting my hair to lay smooth in the front, but not with EcoStyler!! I smoothed my hair back with the gel after a fresh wash, applied the gel, and tied it down with a scarf until I got to work. I love the smooth sheen and the fact that it lasted all day with no flaking. Another plus for EcoStyler is that it is alcohol free, which is a definite no-no for us naturals.
Pic below is the puff right after I took off the scarf. LOVIN' IT!

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