Maybe it's the fact that I'm going to my 10 year high school class reunion in three days...

It works for work, home, and vacay...and lasts me for at least a week at a time. I think that I like having my hair "put away" from time to time. Hell, sometimes it's nice to put on my shower cap and just see my face for once.

Maybe it's because I haven't had a trim in almost a year and detangling is a beast these days...
Or maybe it's because Natural is no longer "new" to me now. I will be 3 years in the game come October...natural is a part of life these days.
It could be any of the reasons listed above, but for some reason I have not had the time or energy to deal with my hair for the last..hmmm..month or so. TDavis inspired me with "low to no" effort style and I have rocked it out to Puerto Rico and back.
This is really two pig-tails jazzed up with an off center curved part. I smooth with EcoStyler w/Argan Oil gel (can you believe the jar is almost does work when used alone). I split the ends of each pony into two and twist. Then fold each side over and secure with bobby pins.
Easy peasey lemon squeezey... and I can be lazy another!
Yes Maam! I told you the pigtails will keep you sane for at least a week! Try jazzing it up with a headband that is bejeweled or fabric. It's very cute and will add a punch of fun and color.