Thursday, December 31, 2009
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
My Twisting Regimen

Monday, December 21, 2009
I'm in Computer Hell...Cantu Shea Update
I appreciate your patience as my posts have been M.I.A. here lately, but I am having some major computer issues. I usually post while I am at the office (my personal computer is having connection issues) and they had to switch out my computer at work and it has ONE ..yes I said ONE...USB port. Unfortunately my mouse plugs into that port, so importing pics is becoming an issue. I am going to try importing some on my lunch break, so fingers crossed...
In other news, I am still loving the Cantu Shea leave-in. I think it may be one of the best products that I have tried so far. The main reason I say this is that I can almost swear that it makes my co-wash/detangling sessions go a lot smoother. Usually I have to detangle in the tiniest of sections (think 20), and now I have gotten down to about 5. My hair feels softer and more manageable.
Last night I re-styled my son's braids for the first time after using Cantu, and his detangling session was a breeze, too. His braids were in for two weeks, so I expected it to be a matted mess.
It's got to be the Cantu, because I haven't changed anything else in our routines..
Thursday, December 10, 2009
The Buffys - "All the Above with a Feminine Touch"

Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Product Review: Cantu Shea Soft Leave-in Conditioning Repair Cream
Price: $5 for a 16oz jar
The Claim: "Cantu shea butter Leave In Conditioning Repair Cream is made with real shea butter and essential oils to replace vital oil in your hair leaving it stronger and healthier with a natural shine.
Cantu shea butter leave in conditioning repair cream can be used on wet hair as an intensive moisturizing treatment or to tame frizz and fly-aways.
Cantu Shea Butter Leave In Conditioning Repair Cream helps…
moisturize dry brittle hair with deep penetrating oil and emollients soften, detangle and add shine to hair protect hair against heat and sun styling damage provide extra protection from split ends and breakage"
Directions for:
Daily Styling – Apply to towel dried hair. Work a generous amount of product into hair beginning at the roots to the tips. Comb through for even distribution. Do not rinse. Apply more to longer hair at the ends or problem areas.
Leave In Treatment – Apply as directed for “Daily Styling” just after shampooing. Re-apply and cover with a plastic cap overnight for maximum absorption and intensive conditioning.
Frizz Free Hair – Apply daily to split ends or damaged areas. Comb through and let dry naturally.
After hearing all of the rave reviews about Cantu Shea leave-in I finally decided to try it. I am sooooooooo glad I did!! Even though I have only used it one time for a twist out, I can just tell that I am going to have many uses for it. I co-washed with HE "Color Me Happy" and had a pretty rough detangling session with Garnier Fructis "Sleek and Shine" ... yall know how I feel about that ish, but I have to use it up... I used half a bottle just to get rid of it! LOL
Afterwards, I mixed 2 parts Cantu and 1 part Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO) in the lid and applied it to each section as I twisted. I wish I'd taken pics, but words will have to do I applied and combed through each section I could see my curls clump and define from root to tip. was the definition of definition..LOL. I promise to take pics next time..
The Cantu made twisting a breeze, and I loved that my hair didn't have to be soaking wet for my fingers to glide as I twisted. My hair was completely dry by morning, and here are my results..
It's official... Cantu Shea Leave-in is a new staple of mine!!

Monday, December 7, 2009
Corporate Natural

PJ-ism at It's Best
I have been trying to contain my PJ-ism and I have been doing a great job of it. I haven't bought any new conditioners or styling aids in over a month and I looked up one day to see that I was actually almost completely out. So added to my arsenal are:
1. Herbal Essences "Color Me Happy" Conditioner for Color Treated Hair: $5
2. Cantu Shea Butter Leave-in Conditioning Repair Cream: $5
3. Queen Helene's Cocoa Butter Cream: $5
4. Pure Ice Nail Polish: $2
All I can say is I love, love, love all of them so far. The cocoa butter cream was actually a staple during my childhood that I decided to revisit and it still works just as well. Product reviews to come.

Friday, December 4, 2009
Miss Jessies- December BOGO Sale!!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Take 3- Flat Twist Out w/ 2 Rows

Thursday, November 19, 2009
Flat Twist Out
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Style and Error
1. Parted each side from front to back. I pinned the sides and left the center (or the hawk) out.
2. Two-strand twisted the center into medium sized twists.
3. Quickly realized that I cannot braid the sides of my own hair...panic set in..
4. Tried to flat twist, but that wasn't working either...
5. I grabbed a tiny section of hair and twirled it into a string of you would to create a bantu knot.
6. Instead of letting it knot up, I pulled it straight up to the hawk and pinned. I repeated this process in small sections on both sides. I pinned with hair clips until dry, and later replaced the clips with bobby pins. I took the two-strand twists down and separated.
7. Voila...something new... I rocked this to work and out shopping..people loved it.
This just goes to show that you can make just about any style into one that works for you. Look online for new styles, and if it requires a skill that you don't have (or can't do on your own head) then play it down a little and rock your version of it.

Thursday, November 12, 2009
Holy Crap...I Think I Found My Holy Grail Styler!!!
Fast forward to last weekend---> I gave in a bought it and I am SO GLAD I DID!! I love this stuff!! It's like a really thick setting lotion/gel if you as me, but instead of drying crunchy, it leaves behind natural oils so the hair stays moisturized with hold. Pretty soon I will do a formal product review, but here are pics of a new style I tried with it.
If you haven't heard about it, don't say I didn't tell you!!

The Buffys - "All the Above with a Feminine Touch"
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
And the Winner IS....

Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Help Me Get All Jazzy :)

Monday, October 26, 2009
I Had a Moment...
After twisting my hair last Thursday so that it would look FABULOUS for the masquerade ball Friday night, I found my hair in need of yet another twisting session on Sunday night. I couldn't bring myself to do it...I mean, I started to and then I was like eff it!! My arms get tired and so do my fingers, and I have to re-twist my hair entirely too much (it seems like). I guess it doesn't help that my son's hair is a TWA and I have to braid/twist his hair once a week, too. The only word to sum it up is FRUSTRATION.
One thing about type 4 hair is that you can only do so much to it that will make it look any different. My curl/coil pattern is off the chain, and no matter how much product I use or how tight I twist, there is not much difference in the look/feel of my hair. Maybe for a day, but then my stubborn curls say to hell with all the jazzy-ness and it's back to normal.
I'm getting the itch for a change...I haven't the slightest idea what that change will be, but I know something has gotta give soon to keep me motivated. It might be time for another break, and put my hair up in braids or something. Maybe it will be color. All I know is it is definitely time to ponder the subject.
Today was a rough hair day...hopefully tomorrow will be better. Any advice ladies??
Friday, October 23, 2009
Liquid Gold

Thursday, October 22, 2009
Goodbye "CurlyLikeMe" and Hello to "Queenofthe4s"
The reason for the name change of the blog is completely random on one hand and is truly fitting on the other.
One day I was reading through comments on CurlyNikki's blog and ran across another link to Terri, the creator of the site, has biracial hair and has her own method of taming her curls which she plans to release in her new book, "Curly Like Me." I will admit that I was a little depressed to see that we both somehow came up with the same name. But to be honest, she obviously came up with it first, and I don't want anybody to get it twisted....I am not a "biter" by any means of the word, so I decided to change the name of my blog out of respect to her.
I think the new name is more fitting of me and my hair. I don't really have "curls" as much as I do tight coils and cotton puff patches that make up type 4hair. After a year of experimenting, I feel as though I am now (more) in control of my hair and it does what I want it to for the most part. It's only fitting that I am the queen of my two textures :) ...."Queen of the 4s"... I like it!!
You will notice that most of my pics up until this point don't really reveal my true identity, and I feel now is the time to put an end to that so that you all can get a better feel for what is going on with my hair. The intensity of this blog will increase with weekly and monthly segments as I set aside more time to devote to researching and editing material to post.
Happy birthday to me and to Queenofthe4s!! :)
Monday, October 5, 2009
It's Almost Been a Year...

Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Product Review: Aussie Moist Conditioner

Thursday, September 24, 2009
Product Review: Trader Joe's Tea Tree Tingle Conditioner

Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Product Review: HPO Happy Scalp

Sunday, September 20, 2009
Product Review Week
HPO Happy Scalp Treatment
Trader Joe's Tea Tree Treat Conditioner
Aussie Moist Conditioner
Olive Oil
5 Day Twist Out
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Forget 2 Day Hair...Let's Try 4 Day Hair!!
Daily maintenance consists of a few quick sprays of my Dr. Miracle's Braid Relief Spray and my satin bonnet and mesh hair wrap at night. In the morning I simply remove the wrap and allow them to "fluff up" on their own. The wrap flattens it out a bit, but I like the way it keeps the frizzies at bay (at the roots).
Fingers crossed, I am going to try to get up early tomorrow and take it down...casual Friday at the office... might as well get a little snazzy with it...

Monday, September 14, 2009
I Love Change...
I honestly thought that regular twist were not going to be me because they look kind of boyish, but once I paired the style with a little makeup and some cute accessories, you couldn't tell me NOTHIN-(in the words of Kanye). Also, my co-workers seem to like it, and no one has really looked at me crazy all day...LOL
To achieve the look, I simply cowashed with Herbal Essences Hello Hydration, sectioned in 10, and then went back through each section twisting with a mix of the Jessicurl Weekly Deep Treatment and olive oil. I twirled the end of each twist with my finger to secure and make a cute little curled end. ***For those of you who remember, I HATED the Jessicurl as a deep treat, but it works wonders as a styling aid. No product is going waste over here...we are in a recession!!***
I have taken pics on my camera phone and sent them to my roomie, so I should have those up tomorrow. Might as well suck it up and buy another camera sooner than planned.... I want to wait until Black Friday, which is the day after Thanksgiving. Last year, I got a $150 camera for $90...can't beat that!!

***UPDATE: Picture added on 09/15/09 ***
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Third Time's the Charm
1.) It didn't really give me enough slip to make my twist nice and hair was kinda bunching together as I twisted.
2.) My hair took FOREVER to dry. I woke up the next morning to soaking wet hair with no definition at all.
***Needless to say, I was bummed.*****
So last night I started the process ALL OVER AGAIN with Trader Joes' Nourish Spa conditioner at about 6:30 pm (twisting in smaller sections with gobs of conditioner). This morning my hair was almost completely dry, and I just sealed with some shea as I untwisted. Fluffed, pinned the top, and I was happy once more.
My last set lasted me three days, and on the last day I refreshed it by running my hair underneath the shower a few times and spraying it with some Dr. Miracles Braid Spray. The twist-out pattern stayed in tact and the water gave me more volume at the roots. The spray allowed me to moisturize without heavy cream conditioners and/or disturbing the curl pattern.
Any ladies with 4a/4b hair should try this out. It really helps to show your length and gives a funky, coily fro style to boot :)
Friday, August 21, 2009
Twist & Shout: Re-visited
So I picked up the comb, and just parted.
I have no idea what made me part my hair the way I did, but it was in a sunburst-ish pattern all the way around my head and I did two-strand flat twist, curling the ends with my fingers. What surprised me the most was how easy it was for me to part and twist my hair…I am sure that it will only get better with each try, and I will definitely be keeping this look for a while.
Cleansed with Betonite Clay Hair Mask (See previous post)
Conditioned with Trader Joe’s Nourish Spa
Added TJNSP as a leave-in
Flat twisted all around, curling ends with fingers to secure each twist
Applied hair wrap and bonnet
This morning, most of my hair was dry, but there were some sections in the back that were really damp. I warmed some shea butter in my palms and coated my hands with Kemi Oyl before untwisting. This helped me to combat frizz and gave me some much needed sheen. Once I took them all out, lightly fluffed, and pinned the top with a few bobby pins (due to spaces in the very center) and I was good to *go*
Next time, I will be making them a bit smaller. The bigger twists give me more of a chunky look, which is haute, but the smaller sections (at the top of each twist) were more defined. I imagine it would be too cute all over :)
Thursday, August 20, 2009
One Strand; Two Textures

During the time that I had my sew in, I noticed a few strands of shed hair that were just kind of twisted up in the cornrows, and almost became obsessed with pulling them out. I would examine each one to see if it was a sign of breakage (from the cornrows) and all of a sudden noticed that the end of each strand was noticeably thicker, less curly (dare I say…straight!), and darker in color. The rest of the strand was a finer in texture and extremely coily.
At first I thought, WTH?!
But then I remembered the days of demi-permanently coloring my hair with Chromasilk Vivids. I would mix a pure red and a pure blue to make the deepest violet ever, and cover my entire head with it. The finished result would give me the jet black look I wanted, without looking like I dyed my hair with a “box” permanent color. The color was some kinda fierce, because you could only see the violet sheen outside in the sunlight or with the flash from a camera lens.
Now, when I think about it, my last color application occurred just after I decided not to relax my hair anymore…when I had about a month or so worth of new growth. So these dark ends that I am seeing are clearly what is left behind of a color that I thought was long gone. I used to think that demi-permanent color didn’t alter the composition of the hair but I see now that I was wrong. The color really changed the way the ends of my hair look, feel, and act as compared to my new, unaltered hair growing beneath it.
The next time I get the itch to color…which I hope will be later in this natural journey…you can bet that I will be looking to natural alternatives.
Have you ever experience a texture change after a semi or demi-permanent color?