Wednesday, August 19, 2009

It's About That Time

Cue the theme music to a bad horror movie because the moment that I have been dreading is definitely upon me....


Honestly, I just got comfortable with the puff and have gotten it down to a science in the mornings; hop in the shower, refresh with TJNS conditioner, rub in my HE Totally Twisted mixed with Kemi Oyl, smooth edges with soft bristle boar brush, apply bra-strap head band, and voila! DONE!

But I get bored pretty fast and I am worried that the tension from wearing the band everyday will eventually break my hairline. A one inch ring of breakage would be a hot mess to end up with after all this work to transition and adjust to my natural hair.

Tonight, I played with some two strand twists on one side of my head, and it looks promising. There is some definite growth going on and I do believe that I am on track to have right at 6 inches of hair by the end of October. I have been growing my hair out since October of 2008, and if hair grows at the average of 1/2 an inch a month, then I should have at least 6 inches by then. I have not had a real trim since my BC and have always focused on keeping my hair moisturized to retain length. It seems to be working so far.

Fingers crossed; Today, I am going to work without the headband. I don't to try a twist out in the middle of the week because I don't know what to do with second day hair. Second day hair for me is *always* as flat as a pancake and very dry looking...SCARY.

Any suggestions on how to refresh twists on 4a/4b hair without re-twisting at night?
**PS- This pic is kinda old. I am still waiting on a new camera, but you can get an idea of the it's just a little longer :)

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