S0 this year I spent the weekend running around town with my mom and a few friends and they all wanted to know about my natural hair regimen and told me that they have thought of going natural. Many of them commented on how natural hair is "so easy" to maintain, and I had to quickly dispel that myth. There was one girl out of a group of 8 that was really pounding me with the questions, and I was happy to be able to offer what little knowledge I have learned so far. Her questions made me feel really good about my hair again and I would like to think that maybe I have inspired at least one out of the group consider going natural :)
Have any of you ever had moments where you wish you could go back? If even for a month, a weekend, heck even a second? If so, what keeps you motivated to rock your natural hair?
if you are still natural. you can still be a model for Patric Bradley.. and end up with the same look as the picture if you arent aware at this time.. look us up.. always looking for models Patricbradley.com