In the shots below you can see the Mahogany color that I applied about a month ago. I was worried that I might not have even color coverage, but it looks great! As Blade put it, even if it wasn't completely even it would still be rock-able! I love Blade :)
Friday, October 29, 2010
Here are a few shots of the back of my hair from the blow-out. You can really see the length and the layers that Blade cut in. I asked that he give me a basic trim and leave as much of the length as possible. He did an excellent job and got most of the ratchet fairy knots that I have been staring at for months. Looks like I am just above Arm Pit Length (APL) ..never thought I would type that in a million years! I am not actively trying to grow my hair out, but it is nice to see the progress. My goal still is, and always will be, to maintain proper care for my hair in its natural state.
In the shots below you can see the Mahogany color that I applied about a month ago. I was worried that I might not have even color coverage, but it looks great! As Blade put it, even if it wasn't completely even it would still be rock-able! I love Blade :)

In the shots below you can see the Mahogany color that I applied about a month ago. I was worried that I might not have even color coverage, but it looks great! As Blade put it, even if it wasn't completely even it would still be rock-able! I love Blade :)
Monday, October 25, 2010
2 Years of Natural Hair Growth
All I can say is WOW!!
I went back to Blade at Upscale's Salon for my blowout and was in complete shock once he finally turned me around to see the end result. My sister went with me for her first mini-chop. She is three months into her transition and I can't wait till she hits the two year mark :)
I will let pics speak for themselves. Anyone that would like to set up an appointment with Blade, his info is below:
Upscale's Salon (Natural Hair and Beauty Tune-up Clinic)
2200 Northlake Pkwy, Tucker, GA, 30084
Phone: 404-484-7136

I went back to Blade at Upscale's Salon for my blowout and was in complete shock once he finally turned me around to see the end result. My sister went with me for her first mini-chop. She is three months into her transition and I can't wait till she hits the two year mark :)
I will let pics speak for themselves. Anyone that would like to set up an appointment with Blade, his info is below:
Upscale's Salon (Natural Hair and Beauty Tune-up Clinic)
2200 Northlake Pkwy, Tucker, GA, 30084
Phone: 404-484-7136
Friday, October 22, 2010
Do you know what TODAY IS?
....It's my Nappyversary! Nappyversarrrryy!
Well ladies, I'm two years in the game of natural hair. Crazy how time flies! My last relaxer was in October of 2008, just before my birthday. Today is my 4th Annual 25th Birthday, so I chose to celebrate them both at the same time.
Unlike most naturals, I celebrate by taking a trip to the salon to have my hair blown straight and trimmed. I plan do this twice a year on my Nappyversary and the Anniversary of my BC (in Feb.). I'm going back to Blade at Upscale's Salon here in Atlanta because he is a guru at straightening the natural tresses down here. My sister, who has also decided to transition to natural, will be going with me for her first mini-chop! So excited!
Going natural has allowed me a lot more freedom to be just who I am, and weed out the things (and people) in life that had no business being there in the first place. I will tell everyone I know that will listen. Never have I been a Natural Hair Nazi, but I do like to plant the seed whenever I get the chance. Since October of 2008, I have helped or inspired about 8 people to at least TRY rocking their natural hair. That really puts a smile on my face :)
The pic below is from my one year B.C. back in February. I curious to see just how much progress I've made since then.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Catch 22: Suave Professionals Conditioner Review

Let me first say this: What does or doesn't work for me may absolutely work for you! Take this review with a grain of salt and try these products for yourself before you write them off as hopeless. Now, on to the review....
So I thought that I'd found my staple cheapie co-wash conditioner in the Suave Professionals line. They have several conditioners to choose from and at about $3.00 for 30somthing ounces, I almost bought 5 bottles at one time. Over the course of about 3 months I did try out two, the Humectant (compared to Nexxus Humectress) and the Shea and Almond (compared to Aveda). Hands down, the Humectant was WAY better than the Shea and Almond for providing moisture, slip, and having the consistency that I prefer in a co-wash conditioner. I used them both religiously...almost everyday for co-washing, leave-in, name it, I was using it!! I really loved what they did for my hair. What I didn't know was that they were simultaneously wreaking havoc elsewhere....Let me back up and explain...
So back in August, I bought my first bottle of the conditioner. August 6th to be exact. About a week later, I saw my sister who immediately stated: "Is everything ok?? You're skin doesn't look as clear as usual..." Hmmmm..I didn't really notice it, but once she said it I couldn't deny it. I looked somewhat like a pre-teen with the breakouts I had going on on both sides of my face and hairline. Initially, I thought it was stress, poor diet, or lack of water causing the adult acne I was experiencing. I kicked up the nutrition (even bought multi-vitamins) and switched back to my college facial system: Clinique. Another sister, who is all medical and stuff, was pushing me to get my thyroid tested. None of us could pin point exactly what was causing the breakouts.
It took me a while to figure out what was going on. I first noticed that my skin would clear up when I was away from home for extended periods of time. So I started washing my pillow cases, and being careful with lotions I used at the house. That didn't help. Clinique didn't help. I was about ready to pull my hair out with frustration. I had a series of weddings and events to look good for and my face was acting a dayum fool! At one point, I looked like I'd been shot in the was that bad! LOL!
Then, in October, I bought the two bottles of Giovanni conditioner previously mentioned. It took me a while to notice, but I haven't had a breakout since I've been using them. Everything else in my regimen remained the same, but once the Suave Professionals conditioner left the picture my skin cleared right up. All I can say is that I feel SO relieved. As much as I loved the Suave Professionals line for my hair, I can't sacrifice my sanity for the sake of saving a few bucks on cheap conditioner. Now I am just focused on getting rid of the scarring, and the Clinique system is wonderful at that.
It just goes to show that when switching to a new product, you have to pay attention to EVERYTHING that it does (or doesn't) do for you. Naturals can tend to have issues with breakouts because a lot of the products we use contain oils and other ingredients that can be pore clogging. As soon as you notice a change in your skin, try to tie it back to a recent product addition, then use the process of elimination to find the culprit and get rid of it!
RIP Suave Professionals Conditioner line...I'll pour out some Giovanni for ya... ;)

Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Practice with Eyebrow Shaping
Practice makes (dayum near) perfect! I was on my way to an all male revue here in Atlanta and thought I would snap this pic to see if my brows looked symmetrical. One always seems to look different and I think it has to do with the fact that I am right handed. I simply use a dark brown eye pencil to fill mine in. Once I perfect that, I might switch to an angled brush and brow powder for a more natural look.
My hair was a straight up wash-n-go and I pinned the front edges back with a little EcoStyler and some bobby pins. Lazzzzzzy...but whatever works! LOL! That's the best part about being natural. It looks like I took the time to style my hair when I spent all of 3 minutes on it...gotta luv it!
Friday, October 15, 2010
This is a shot of my hair freshly co-washed with Giovanni Smooth as Silk with a little left in. I detangled in sections and twisted each section, pinning each twist up with a bobby pin. I released in the morning and my hair was nearly dry. It's been getting colder out so dripping wet hair is becoming less and less an option these days.
Once I'm in the car, I do my make-up, release the twists, and fluff to hide the parts. My hair looks a lot bigger with less definition because of the huge sections, but its something different.
Happy Monday! <---- If that's even possible! LOL!
Monday, October 11, 2010
Giovanni Conditioner: My New Non-Guilty Pleasure!
About a week ago, I let my inner PJ run wild and spent $30 on two bottles of Giovanni conditioner...and it was SO WORTH IT!!
During any given month, I spend between $5 and $6 on conditioner for co-washing and leave-in. This month, being my birthday and Nappyversary month, I decided to treat myself. I started out buying one 33oz bottle of Giovanni's Smooth as Silk Conditioner from TJ Maxx. This huge bottle only cost me $12.99 at the discount retailer. For those of you who are familiar with Giovanni, this same product would run you about $9 for an 8 oz bottle at Whole Foods. Talk about a deal! I bought the Giovanni Tea Tree conditioner a while ago and was pleased with it, so I just knew I was in for a treat...and I was SO right!!
Trying it out the first time, I immediately fell in love with the slip and scent of the Smooth as Silk. My fingers glided through my hair and I was able to detangle in 6 sections (as opposed to the 10 plus usually). I can't describe's just the most amazing conditioner EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!
I liked it so much that I went right out the next day and bought the Giovanni 50:50 (half protein/half moisture)...It's just as amazing. It reminds me a lot of the Trader Joe's Nourish Spa that I loved in my TWA days, and ya'll know I loved me some TJNS!!
So now I'm on a mission to contain my PJism as best I can. I am tempted to buy every bottle I see in TJ Maxx. Send up a prayer for ya girl!
One more week until my 4th Annual 25th Birthday and Nappyversary! There is much to celebrate!
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