Practice makes (dayum near) perfect! I was on my way to an all male revue here in Atlanta and thought I would snap this pic to see if my brows looked symmetrical. One always seems to look different and I think it has to do with the fact that I am right handed. I simply use a dark brown eye pencil to fill mine in. Once I perfect that, I might switch to an angled brush and brow powder for a more natural look.
My hair was a straight up wash-n-go and I pinned the front edges back with a little EcoStyler and some bobby pins. Lazzzzzzy...but whatever works! LOL! That's the best part about being natural. It looks like I took the time to style my hair when I spent all of 3 minutes on it...gotta luv it!
I would like to riase my hand in support of the angled brush and the brow powder...that is what I use since you always comment on my brows. And actually, I use a felt tip brow pen, brow powder, angle brush, and a regular pencil to achieve the look. Oh, and brow gel/wax/hairspray. Seriously, brows are a chore in and of themselves!