Friday, October 29, 2010

Here are a few shots of the back of my hair from the blow-out. You can really see the length and the layers that Blade cut in. I asked that he give me a basic trim and leave as much of the length as possible. He did an excellent job and got most of the ratchet fairy knots that I have been staring at for months. Looks like I am just above Arm Pit Length (APL) ..never thought I would type that in a million years! I am not actively trying to grow my hair out, but it is nice to see the progress. My goal still is, and always will be, to maintain proper care for my hair in its natural state.

In the shots below you can see the Mahogany color that I applied about a month ago. I was worried that I might not have even color coverage, but it looks great! As Blade put it, even if it wasn't completely even it would still be rock-able! I love Blade :)


  1. Wow, your hair looks awesome. I'm thinking of straigtening my hair for my nappyversary this month (6 months)

    man shrinkage sucks. Your hair looks som long and most importantly healthy.

  2. Yeah...shrinkage is a B and then some! Crazy that my hair looks like a TWA and then stretches to my shoulder blades.

    Congrats on your 6 month Nappyversary!
