So I decided to try a standard twist out on my hair about a week ago since I've gotten some length in the last two years. I typically don't prefer them because all of the parts leave too much exposed scalp and I feel somewhat bald-headed with all of them showing. Fluffing ruins the twist pattern (for me anyways) and I've had better luck with flat twist outs.
I co-washed with Giovanni 50/50, left a little in, and twisted with Eco-Styler gel on damp (not soaking wet) hair. Next time, I need to be a little more strategic with my parts. I had some huge, gaping parts for a few days since I refused to fluff. I was able to get 5 full days out of this set by sleeping on a silk pillowcase and misting with my water bottle in the mornings. I did use a little more of the gel on my edges each day and pinned them back from day 2 forward.
I was pleased with the results (surprisingly) and will be perfecting this over the winter months as a protective style.
I love your site! I am on the Paleo Diet and have naturally curly hair. Initially I was nervous about transitioning to all natural ingredients for hair care because I was worried about frizz and everything, but after playing with my routine, I discovered that the frizz I was experiencing was because of my routine itself, and what product I used did not even matter. So now I am all into the research and am making a full transition to 100% natural, kitchen stuff. I started a blog called Paleo Beauty and a Facebook page, look up Paleo Beauty. Please 'like' my page! I would be interested in posting some of your articles if you don't mind. I followed your blog so feel free to contact me. Thanks!