Friday, January 22, 2010

14 "B.C."

So right around this time is when I really had problems with my hair. I was about 12 years old, and going into middle school. Not only was I sporting a relaxer back then, but half the time the relaxer wouldn't "take" and my hair would be so *KINKY* and break right on down to the new growth. I mean, my nickname might as well have been "Patches" because I had full sections of hair that would break down to about 2inches.

Then, on top of all that, my grandmother would try to straighten my kinky *RELAXED* hair with the..wait for it...*HOT COMB* We all know that is a combination for disaster, and I was a walking disaster for real. I hated my hair. I didn't feel pretty, confident...I felt like there was something wrong with me. Little did I know it was just something *WRONG* about they way my hair was cared for.

The pic below is of me 14 years "B.C." My hair was in my usual ponytail, since I couldn't do anything else with it. Brace yourself.....ain't nothing cute about this..LOL!!

Friday, January 15, 2010

20 "B.C."

This is a picture of me in Kindergarten, with pressed natural hair. I went to a predominantly white elementary school and I can remember looking at all of other girls with long, flowing, straight hair. I had a friend named Kathleen who had the longest jet-black hair and she used to love my short plaits. Nothing could make me understand why she thought my hair was so unique or why she would want to play in my hair. I wondered why my hair didn't feel as silky and why it didn't grow as fast. It just didn't seem fair that I would be cursed with "nappy hair."

So I guess that was the start of my discontent with natural hair... that was 20 years before my Big Chop ("B.C.")

I must admit..I loved this particular style you see in the photo when I was a little girl... It would last me all week if I tied it down under a scarf at night. I guess this was my grandma's version of "protective styling" ....LOL!!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

26 "B.C."

How innocent are we as little babies? At this age, I am sure I loved the world and everything in it...including my natural hair :)

This is a picture of my older brother and me 26 years before my Big Chop ("B.C.").

I guess I didn't know any better then, but I am sure I loved to swing my little miss-matched barrettes on the end of my pencil-thin plaits....LOL..I can just see it!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

30 Days Until the Anniversary of My Big Chop!!


A year ago today, I walked into a random barber shop and had them cut my hair down to about 2 inches. I got out of the chair in shock and disbelief; mainly because the barber had *NO CLUE* on how to cut hair with scissors and I was *SO NOT READY* to see myself with hair that short. Looking back on it, I have to laugh because I'm sure the look on my face was priceless.

The process of learning to care for my hair has taught me so, so much. I love learning new methods, about new products, and changing my perception of physical beauty. I try to pass this on to as many women as I can, and I am proud to have inspired at least 3 people to transition to their natural hair.

The journey to natural is a difficult one as we have come to terms with what is socially acceptable as African-American standards. Over the course of the next month, I will take you through my journey from relaxed to natural hair, and on my BC anniversary I will switching things up with my hair...I will post pics for all to see..

*** 02/12/2010** will be an exciting day for me...I can't wait to see what my hair has in store!

Friday, January 8, 2010

The Missing "Kitchen" heard me right... I no longer have a "kitchen".

Not the kitchen in the house where you cook food, but the little "unruly" short patch of hair that most women with relaxed hair have at the nape of their necks. When I was relaxed, there was no area of my hair that I detested more than the "kitchen." No more than a week after a relaxer touch-up it would revert back to its natural state; it never grew past three (3) inches long; and I would always burn the top of my neck trying to straighten it out once a week. I think I still have the scars to prove it...

Well those days are over since I've been natural. Now my hair is generally the exact same length around my entire head; the area that used to be the "kitchen" that wouldn't grow reaches to my shoulders when stretched. I have been growing my hair since October of 2008, so I should have about 8 inches of hair. It really is time for a length check but I haven't measured my hair since I started this process. Measuring will only lead to obsessing over length.

I do plan to length check on the anniversary of my Big Chop, which is 02/12/2010. Since I haven't straightened my hair at all, I plan to splurge on a session at a natural salon to get a hydration treatment, straighten, cut, and maybe some color. If I'm going to do it I might as well do it big, right??

Idk...just the *thought* of doing that scares me..LOL.. we shall see :)


Thursday, January 7, 2010

I Shingled

The word "Shingled" sounds hilarious to me...LOL

But anyways...I finally took the time to shingle my hair last night. For those of you who may not have heard of "shingling" it is basically a detangling and smoothing process using teeny, tiny sections of hair and a lot of curl defining, moisturizing product. On soaking wet hair, you apply product to each section and spread it evenly with a fine tooth comb. When I say fine tooth, think rat-tail fine..or even finer. This goes against every curly-girl rule in the book, but is very necessary to achieve the definition of each curl.

Last night I had a little free time, so I shingled with my beloved Cantu Shea Soft Leave-in mixed with Extra Virgin Olive Oil. It didn't take me as long as I thought it would; I have to admit that I did get a *little* lazy in the back and parted much bigger sections. But my curls are more defined in the back, so they don't need as much work..LOL. In the end, I am pleased with the results. I learned that the front left side of my hair has *WAY* less of a curl pattern than the rest of my hair. It looks like a puff-ball against the rest of my curls. Shingling causes maximum hair looks soooo short, but I am loving the curls.

Once it dried, I slept with a satin bonnet and one side was flat as a pancake this morning. I misted all over with my mini spray bottle filled with water, pulled at the ends with my fingers, and it fluffed right back out.

I must say I like it..sans the shrinkage...